Thursday, January 27, 2011

Surprise! We're Pregnant!

I feel like I've uttered this so many times already and barely anyone even knows. The girls at work INSIST that I'm pregnant and keep urging me to take a test in the bathroom, but I keep denying their advances. It's getting harder to lie.

I guess I should take it back a few weeks to the day we found out. After a few days of me getting caught ravaging the pantry of all edible snacks and almost devouring an entire jar of pickles, my boyfriend Charlie told me it was time to pee on a stick. I suppose we both knew before that day, my mood swings were far more erratic than they usually are around "that time of the month", I had odd cravings for food (really insane things, but more on that later), and I wasn't sleeping well. At around 2 weeks late I figured it was best to just find out and get the worry over with.

Now this baby was 100% planned, well maybe 98% planned, but it was most definitely planned. We had actually talked about starting a family together about a year ago, and just recently had another conversation about the subject. I think he could see the letdown in my face each month, but we both had said, "When it happens, it will happen." I have a very firm belief that everything happens for a reason, and that nothing you can't handle will ever be put on your plate, so we weren't too worried, at least he wasn't. My biggest fear ever is that I would never become a mom, so... WHEW! Right?

I started this blog just as a little heads up to what's going on to all my friends and family I don't talk to on a regular everyday basis. I want to just write down all my craziness, my cravings, my hormones, the good, the bad and the ugly side of becoming a parent. I hope everyone gets a laugh at my new crazy adventure.


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