Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cravings, Morning Sickness and "The Moans"

The first trimester is a kick in the ass. Really, I feel like someone kicked my ass and left me to die. In all honesty, it's not THAT bad all the time, just most times. I think Charlie is ready to send me down the river because I've become such a whiner lately. Every move, bump, shift, stretch, hurts. In a dull pain kind of way. Oh! And then there are the sharp little cramps and the way your crotch feels like its pulling apart, which it is, to make room for this baby. I know it might be a little TMI, but I'm sorry.

I've got "The Moans" as I've come to call it and I've got it bad. I don't even know I'm doing it, but I supposedly moan, groan, whimper and whine about every 30 seconds. Just tiny little moans, but enough to drive Charlie crazy enough that he snapped at me, which hurt my feelings, which made him feel bad enough to drive to Rite-Aid and get me a carton of Pistachio Ice Cream. Which I ate out of the carton while standing at the kitchen counter, I figure that way I still feel guilty enough that I won't eat the whole thing. He asked me if I wanted to eat it on the couch and be more comfortable, but I think that would just make me believe it's OK to eat that much ice cream in one sitting and disregard the need for a bowl. I'll stick to the counter for my cravings for now.

That's another thing, I crave the most insane things and on the other hand gag with the most basic smells. Here's a list of weird things I love/hate recently...

Pistachio Ice Cream
Fried Zucchini
Warm tap water while showering
Hot wing flavored anything, especially hot wings
Chamomile Tea
Potatoes (Baked, mashed, fried, anything)
Pine Sol

The smell of wet flour
Cigarette smoke (not that I loved it before, but now it makes me gag)
Most perfume/cologne
Mint chip Ice Cream (pretty much anything mint)
Ginger Tea
The smell of my deodorant (I've been wearing Charlie's Degree to compensate)

In fact I can go from being totally sick and wanting to die, so being STARVING 3 minutes later. My body is so insane lately and I can't control it which makes me even crazier. I feel so bad for Charlie cuz I know I am just being a mega bitch to him, I'm just glad he loves me as much as he does or else I'd be royally screwed.

On a side note, the whole morning sickness thing is total CRAP! I get it all day, everyday, throughout the day and it's unrelenting. Fortunately I have not yet barfed, but I've gotten so close on a number of times. My goal is a barf free pregnancy. Wish me luck!

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