Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Telling the Parents

So yesterday Charlie and I decided to tell our parents. This was prompted by my mom deciding to come up to the salon for some highlights and a haircut. I had knots in my stomach all day trying to figure out how I would tell her. I was worried she would be upset with me, since we aren't married yet, although my mom got pregnant with me while she was living with my dad, at age 25.

While her foils were processing I took her outside and told her she was going to be a grandma. She told me she had a feeling that's what I was going to say (although, I have NO idea how she would know) and then she patted my tummy and started crying, which made me cry. She asked me all the basic questions, how far along I was, if I was taking vitamins and eating right, and when we were going to get married.

Charlie called his mom and had pretty much the same results. She was kinda peeved at him because last week she was texting us about how she needed more Grandbabies and we told her to chill out cuz she already had 2 on the way (both of my "sister-in-laws" are due in April) and we were teasing her a bit, even though we already knew.

My dad called me last night, after my mom told him, to say he was behind us 100% and that he's excited and proud of us. My mom even started texting my family and telling them, but I had to put a stop to that before she got too out of control. We would like to wait another month or so before telling the world, just to be safe.

On my way home from work I stopped by Albertson's and grabbed some food for dinner and satisfied some cravings I'd been having. As gross as it sounds I grabbed a box of... wait for it... POPTARTS. I haven't had a PopTart since I was a kid, but for some reason a Strawberry PopTart sounded like the MOST amazing thing ever. I also grabbed a bag of Salt&Vinegar chips because Jen (one of the pregnant Sister-in-laws) told me they taste even BETTER when you're pregnant, and she was right! And of course another 2-liter of Gingerale because it seems like that, chamomile tea and water is all I can keep down. My mom also recommended some red wine, so I grabbed a bottle, but I couldn't do it.

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